Nos bureaux dans le monde
À propos

Helping you from France... and from home!

Find your FIGS office near you


FIGS isn't established yet in your country? No worries!

Our team is also in charge of supporting students who do not have a FIGS office in their country. 
Don't hesitate to contact us!


Contact of Outside offices - Africa: Cheikh and Siga


Contact of Outside offices - Other countries: Salwa and Mathias

Our office in Lyon, at the heart of our historical campus

FIGS Education is headquartered in Paris,

We also have an office in Lyon, close to our students. A major European metropolis. Lyon welcomes over 135,000 students every year, 15% of whom are international.

Ideally located, the city offers all students in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region a unique environment in which to build a sustainable future and meet ecological challenges.