Study in France
Our schools


- The Sustainable International Business School
Management (EN)

Wanting to build a better world is not the same as being a dreamer or utopian. We were the first school to demonstrate the natural link between business and development, and for nearly 40 years we've been training young people to be proactive, in search of a positive economy in fields that make sense, from humanitarian aid to responsible finance, sustainable development and solidarity, in France and abroad. Bring together your career plans and your ideals.


Give meaning to your commitments.

Before expertise, before techniques, we defend strong values: ethics, justice, equality, openness to the world and respect for our common heritage, the Earth.

These values are neither accessories nor pretences.

They are at the heart of our teaching in management science, geopolitics, languages, sustainable development, the social economy, anthropology and social responsibility.

Building a better world doesn't mean being a dreamer or a utopian. It means mastering economic and social realities before influencing them, being effective in SMEs and large groups as well as in NGOs, associations and international institutions.

Welcome to the springboard of your ideal!

Recognized diplomas

  • Bachelor Coordination de projets de développement international et sociétal
  • Bachelor Gestion de projets alternatifs et solidaires
  • MSc Management de l'innovation sociale
  • MSc Coopération internationale et action humanitaire
  • MSc Finance Responsable


graduates in 80 countries


languages taught



2 500

partner companies and NGOs