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learn. code. lead !
IT - computing

Computing speeds up time, changes our perceptions, revolutionises our modes of communication... it anticipates and accelerates the changes in our society. At EPSI, we see learning about computer engineering as a single, inseparable whole.


At EPSI, a computer science school, we see learning about computer engineering as a single, indissociable whole.

We believe that to really master the development of IT applications, it is important to consider at the same time the administration of systems and networks, data management, project management, etc.

We believe that it is the acquisition of all these skills, together with a 360° vision, that will enable you to become an expert, make lasting progress in this sector and connect with the realities of business.

Recognized diplomas

  • Bachelor développeur IA - full french
  • Bachelor IT Concepteur intégrateur Sysops - full french
  • MSc Expert en informatique et système d’information - full french
  • MSc Expert en cybersécurité - full french
  • MSc Expert en Intelligence artificielle - full french
  • MSc Expert en ingénierie de données - full french

Few words from a student