Study in France
Our schools


The school for new lawyers

Law is not about memorising legal texts! It's about understanding how teams of lawyers work, comparing theory with practice and understanding through experimentation. It's about mastering your discipline and acquiring the softskills you need to successfully integrate into a company: interacting with other professions, understanding organisational processes, speaking in public, etc. These are all skills that can take you further in your career than just mastering the law.


Becoming a legal professional

The École supérieure des métiers du droit offers courses from bac+2 to bac+5 to accommodate all profiles wishing to develop a professional career in the legal world.

ESMD's approach, with classes of no more than 30 students, is a strong alternative to university courses organised in large classes that do not allow for individual follow-up.  

The courses are taught by academics and professionals. The programme is geared towards greater integration into the world of work, with internships in the bachelor's programme and sandwich courses in the master's programme.

All these assets are there to train lawyers capable of meeting the demands of companies.  

Compliance, Legal Tech, CSR and contract law are just some of the new areas of law that professionals in this field need to master.

Recognized diplomas

  • Bachelor Droit des affaires - full french
  • Mastère Juriste d'entreprise - full french
  • Mastère Droit & conformité - full french